Deployment phase comes once after testing done and both representitive will be present while deploying the testing configured Database to production environment. Testing Environment database can be replicated to Prodcution ENvironemnt and in most of the PLM systems this the case and the fully tested and approved configured database will be replicated to Production environment to establish strong and robust system in place. Again after deploying Production system, one more round of testing with respect to functional, performance, hardware, will be done till it comes to level of declaring the production system is live and ready to work with users. This phase takes again a month of time depending upon the number client setup and functional setup. Once Server application, database server, vault server, PLM client installations & configurations, Integrations, etc. are completed, training will be given on functional scope of Imlemented PLM system. Once Training completed and users feel comfortable to start work in the system the service vendor will declare PLM Implementation is completed successfully and Proejct is Roll Out and its Go Live, it should be sign-off mutually to agree the project is Live phase.
Depending upon the project and its situation we can set this Go-Livep hase, service vendor will provide handhold support to users at cleitns premises for two to three weeks or a month as decided by both.
Bye for now,
Anil Kumar J R
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